Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Week Ten - Information Management


In this week's lecture we were informed of the different types of information management formats, the atom-based format and the bit-based format. The lecturer also discussed the various advantages and disadvantages through the management of bit-based and atom-based information.

Types of information formatting:Atom Based, Books, Journals, Reports
Pros – we can see it, easy to conceal, easy to protect, hard to modify, difficult to copy
Cons – Bulky, Costly, Difficult to edit, and redistribute

Bit Based, digital reproductions, electronic content
Pros – flexible, cheap, easy to use an edit, easy to mass produce
Cons – Privacy, authenticity, unsolicited broadcast

1) The first task required us to read the Internet Explorer favourites tutorial (http://www.inette.com/aibtinette/favoritesI.html)

2) The second task required us to set up our own favourites list with at least three folders each with at least two favourite websites. The screenshot of my list is below.My 3-folder favourites list is; Makeup, Surfing & Puppies.



3) The third task required us to read N. Negroponte's report entitled "Being Digital", with particular attention being paid to the beginning of part one ("The DNA of Information")."The DNA of Information".

4) The fourth and final task required us to generate a 150 word response to the question of if we think Negroponte's ideas are still relevant and why.

My Response:

Negroponte's ideas are still relevant to a certain extent. As technology has moved forward a lot in the last 13 years, some of the ideas and thoughts that Negroponte has made do not apply to us today. He comments on how people have to rely on FedEx, bicycles, and sneakers to get their atoms from one place to another, and of course in the world we live in today, this is not true.
These days information is very easy for you to take wherever you wish, and this is from the help of digital technology.


Summary of reading materials:

Reading 1 - "Grazing the Net", and an episode of Click published on the BBC website.The article is about "raising young people to think, explore and make meaning for themselves." The article broke this down into several areas: a students ability to analyse the unfamiliar and unexpected, issue of reliability and adequacy, the development of queries when searching for information, taking advantage of the many "good" research model available today, structured learning, internet competencies, and total quality management.

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